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It's Blog, It's Blog... It's better than bad... No it's just bad.

Did anyone get that reference? Please tell me someone did. I'm just putting in filler space while we build up this site. There will be something more substantial here at some point. For now, introductions are in order.

I'm Dae, I do almost everything in the project.

Richard is the keyboardist, engineer, and all around everything guy who fixes all my mistakes (as it says on the main page). He keeps me from being too "extra" which I am...

There are also some other key players you will be hearing from but the one you should know for sure is Skai who is my primary artist, assistant, and person who ensures that I'm taking care of myself during the creation process. Because, you know, sometimes I forget to eat, sleep, and do all those human things you need to do. I forget that I'm not a machine sometimes. She also co-manages the Facebook page so if you write there and you get a super polite message that's her. She's from London and she's very sweet. I think that about covers it for now. Please be sure to like our Facebook page and tell your friends about us. Tell strangers too. Tell anyone really. We're a good conversation starter at parties. ;)

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